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                     Tuesday 9:30-10:15            2 and 3 year olds (1 opening)

                     Tuesday 10:30-11:15          0-24 months old (2 openings)


                    Wednesday 9:30-10:15       0-24 months old (3 openings)

                    Wednesday 10:30-11:15    2 and 3 year olds (class full)


              Children in the 2 and 3 year old class must have had their second birthday before January 1, 2025

Winter Term: January - March 2025
Registration is now OPEN
Cost: $235  by e-transfer
$245 by credit cards/PayPal

Registration options:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

e-Transfer: please use the email address

Paypal & Credit Cards:

With payment please fill out Registration Information
Confirmation of payment will be sent by email.
Classes have a no refund policy.

                                                                                                               CLASS LOCATION

Ladybug Baby Music                   

6110 - 34 Street SW (Lakeview)                    

                                                                                                                     Calgary, AB 


                                                                                                         Sarina Rommedahl Rudzik




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